Tuesday, January 06, 2009

the mango footy club

You know what its like when you have a to-do list that's about five A4 pages long, on both sides, so much stuff to do you dont even know where to start, so you waffle around and procrastinate, especially seeing as you are still supposed to be on holidays but are stuck in front of the computer instead?

So i have given up for now, and instead am caving into popular demand to post the pics i took for the calender, starring spunky football players with no shirts on. And in some cases, nothing else on either...
I am only posting the tame shots, if you want to see some of the raunchier ones you will have to get a calender, available from the Tolland Newsagency. After all, this is a family rated blog!


  1. Anonymous6:49 PM

    phew... you lucky girl, pitty its a family blog... lol, great pics,

  2. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Finally, I have been waiting for these shots..Looks like I will be buying a calendar Fleur
